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Please Note: These publications may change their policies and/or payment amounts at any time. I suggest clicking on the individual links to check for updates, as well as getting familiar with the publications to see what they are looking for. Also, be sure to adhere to their submission dates and guidelines to increase your chances of being published.  Good luck, writers! 

The Threepenny Review: A literary magazine with a focus on literature, arts and society, and memoirs. It pays $400 per story or article, $200 per poem or Table Talk piece.


Arc Poetry Magazine: A Canadian magazine that publishes new and established poets in Canada and beyond. It also accepts translations of poetry into English. It pays $50 per page of poetry, interviews, and poetry-related prose.


CRAFT Literary: An online magazine that focuses on the craft of writing and how craft elements make a good story or essay shine. It pays $100 for original flash fiction, $200 for original short fiction and nonfiction.


Canadian Notes & Queries: A Canadian magazine that publishes all kinds of nonfiction, from essays to humor to cultural criticism, written either from a Canadian perspective, or about Canadian subjects. It pays 10 cents per word, with a maximum of $200.


Banshee Press: A biannual print journal and book press, coedited by three Irish writers. It welcomes submissions from Irish and international writers, including first-time writers. It pays €250 (approximately $255) for short stories and essays, €50 ($51) per poem, and €75 ($76) for flash.


The Sun Magazine: A monthly magazine that publishes personal essays, fiction, poetry, and interviews on a wide range of topics, from the political to the cultural to the spiritual. It pays $300-$2,000 for essays and interviews, $300-$1,500 for fiction, and $100-$250 for poetry.


Narratively: A digital platform that publishes original and untold human stories, in various formats, including memoir, documentary, photo essay, audio, and comics. It pays $200-$300 for 2,000 words or less, and $500 for longer pieces.


The New Yorker: A weekly magazine that publishes fiction, poetry, essays, reportage, criticism, and cartoons. It pays $450 for poems and an unspecified amount for other genres.


The Rumpus: An online magazine that features original and diverse voices in literature, film, music, comics, and more. It pays $100 for original essays and $50 for previously published essays.


The Walrus: A Canadian magazine that covers stories about Canada and its place in the world. It publishes fiction, poetry, essays, arts, culture, and politics. It pays $0.25 per word for prose and $50 per poem.


Poetry Magazine: A prestigious literary magazine that publishes poetry and prose on a wide range of topics, from the political to the personal. It pays $300 per poem or prose piece.


Frontier Poetry: An online magazine that features new and emerging poets who have not published more than one full-length collection of poetry. It pays $50 for each published poem, up to $150.


The Sunlight Press: A digital literary journal that publishes personal essays, fiction, poetry, reviews, photography, and art. It pays $40 for personal essays, $40 for fiction, and $10 per poem.


The Forge Literary Magazine: An online magazine that publishes fiction and nonfiction of any genre and style. It pays $100 for prose and $50 for poetry.


The Smart Set: A magazine of culture and ideas that publishes essays, memoirs, reviews, interviews, fiction, and poetry. It pays $100-$200 for essays and memoirs, and $25-$50 for other genres.


Chicken Soup For The Soul:  A socially conscious company that combines storytelling with making the world a better place. They publish true life stories by people of all faiths, nationalities, ethnicities, sexual orientation and gender identities. They pay $200 for published stories along with 10 free books.

To find a more comprehensive list, I recommend It is an excellent resource for writers. You may search for publishers and agents, track your submissions, and more. Theme & Deadline Calendar. 


 Are you looking for a writing program that will help you transform your personal story into a compelling memoir that will resonate with others?  I highly recommend Alison Wearing's Memoir Writing Ink. I attribute much of my publishing success to Alison's life-changing course!

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