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Scott's Testimonial

Testimonial from Scott Hamilton - Poet / Author

Author of The Brave New World of Oswald P. Lesser and Last of the Marlboro Men

I had the pleasure of attending an outdoor poetry event called “Music & Metaphors” hosted by Micki Findlay at the Qualicum Beach Museum this summer. All seats were full under the expansive canopy, and some even stood outside in the hot sun to take in the performances.


As per the name of the event, there was a musical introduction by pianist/composer Gina Adams, followed by an introduction by Micki and some inspired readings from members of her local writing group, which I found most enjoyable.


Micki is a poet, author, musician, and advocate for healing with no lack of positively charming character. I once told her that she could read anything at all and it would be a joy to listen to. But when she took the stage she wasn't reading just anything. 


Her story is one of overcoming trauma and encouraging others to share their stories of survival, at the same time focusing on the joy of renewal; there was no shortage of laughter or positive vibes under the tent at this event. Halfway through, as an unexpected delight, Micki took to the piano herself and shared a song with the crowd. 


The flyer for this event stated: “Unguarded, Unapologetic, Unexpected”, and I would agree. I would also add, “Refreshing” and “Inspiring” to the list of descriptors. Well done!


Scott Hamilton


IG: @s.a.hamilton_writer and @ashhamiltonauthor

Testimonial from Glenna Mageau 

Award-Winning Author, Speaker, Coach

Micki writes from the heart. Her articles are funny, soul touching and completely relatable.


I met Micki several years ago when she came to one of my writing classes. Her writing touches on topics that are about unmasking ourselves and the journey we've been on. She shares a lot of her story, her life, the struggles and the triumphs she has had. Her stories invite you to take a journey with her so that you can look at life differently, to see the humor, to see the positive in our lives, and to realize we are all very similar.


Micki is not only a beautiful soul but she is someone who is out there doing what she can to encourage others to be more kind, giving and caring. Her writing definitely reflects her positive, uplifting values, her truth and her sense of humor.


Glenna Mageau – Award-Winning Author, Speaker and Coach


Testimonial from Cathy Holmes 

Media Reporter, Producer, Director

“I had the pleasure of interviewing author, Micki Findlay, on Shaw Community TV and CHLY Radio 101.7 FM, regarding her story, ‘Destiny on the Open Sea’, and her Works of HeART Project which inspires positive change through creative expression.  Her fabulous, heartwarming story was published in one of my favorite book series; Chicken Soup for the Soul, and tells of the extraordinary, yet amusing way she met the man of her dreams while boarding a BC ferry. Her story oozes with vivid imagery, supernatural intervention and a sense of renewed hope that there can still be joy after heartache and love after loss. 


I look forward to reading more of Micki’s work as she continues to speak to our hearts through the written word; offering encouragement and optimism to a world that often forgets that there are still miracles to believe in, that we all have something to offer, and that we should never give up on ourselves or on love.  If you ask me, we need more of that.”


Cathy Holmes, Media Reporter, Producer/Director, Vancouver Island - Nanaimo, BC

Wise Folks, 101.7 CHLY FM, Nanaimo/Voyager Magazine, Shaw Spotlight

Wise Folks: Facebook / YouTube

'The Show' on Shaw: Facebook / YouTube 

Testimonial from Catherine DooK

Author, Novelist, Columnist

Micki Findlay is an astute observer of the domestic, with an eye for detail and a heart as big as the world. Her take on people offers a glimpse into the off-kilter that is informative and entertaining.


Micki's writes in tight and effective prose. She is well worth reading.


Catherine Dook – Author, Novelist, Columnist

Hilarious adventures and misadventures of liveaboard ship life


Testimonial from Linda Tenney

Publisher/Editor - EyesOnBC Magazine

"Micki Findlay has been a columnist with EyesOnBC Magazine since mid-2018. Her articles are well-written, witty, articulate works that speak to the human condition with a measure of humour, positivity and caring that represents who Micki is as a person.


I'm honoured to have Micki as a regular monthly columnist. Her articles always exceed my expectations and are a delight to read. In the time-sensitive world of publishing, I can count on Micki to submit her articles on or before the assigned deadline and written to word count requirements. I rarely have to edit her articles for typos or grammar as she takes great care to submit work that is near 'letter perfect'.


Our readers thoroughly enjoy her columns and I'm proud to include her 'words' within the pages of EyesOnBC Magazine each and every month. I look forward to continuing to work with her."

Linda Tenney, Publisher/Editor
EyesOnBC Magazine

Bowser, BC 

Testimonial from Lissa Alexander

Writer, Editor - Oasis Life Magazine

"You know you're reading a good article when everything around you seems to disappear and you become blissfully lost in the story. That's what frequently happened when I was editing Micki Findlay's articles for Oasis Magazine. She possesses an admirable talent to paint a picture with her words that stays with you for weeks to come."

Lissa Alexander, Writer/Editor
Oasis Life Magazine

Parksville and Qualicum, BC 

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